Malnutrition Capstones
Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services (INNU) grantees create and compile materials at the end of their projects to help others learn from their experiences and replicate successes. Review these malnutrition-related capstones for inspiration and practical “how-to” information.
Assessing Malnutrition Risk Through a Home Visitation Program
To demonstrate an evidence-based relationship, The University of Utah School of Medicine reviewed the impact of targeted nutrition home visitation assessments and care planning on the health outcomes of recently discharged home delivered meal recipients at malnutrition risk. The most significant impact of this project was the improved understanding of malnutrition by health services workers, clients, and their families and caregivers.
Tackling Malnutrition Through a Statewide Delivery System
To transform their senior nutrition program, the Maryland Department of Aging leveraged the problem of older adult malnutrition as the catalyst to introduce evidence-based practices, cost-cutting measures, innovative meal products, and efficient service delivery methods to forge new health care linkages and expand service to older adults in the community.
Your Health, Your Way, Your Table
The University of Utah created partnerships with multiple stakeholders to implement an added-value and collaborative transition of care process. This work focused on breaking the cycle of malnutrition and re-hospitalization for recently discharged home delivered meal recipients through high-value nutrition care interventions from registered dietitian nutritionist home visits.