These select transcripts, statements, and videos are provided for historic purposes. The speakers are identified by titles they held at the time these were delivered, although they are no longer in those roles. For information about ACL's current leadership, please visit our Biographies page in the About ACL section of this site.
Testimony - 2024
March 7, 2024: Testimony by Alison Barkoff, Principal Deputy Administrator, performing the duties of Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging of the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Older Americans Act: Supporting Efforts to Meet the Needs of Seniors before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP). Read the written testimony.
Speeches - 2023/2024
- December 12, 2024: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging Kari Benson spoke at the White House Convening on Care about ACL's efforts to support family caregivers and the workforce of direct care professionals who provide support for many daily tasks of living and provide respite support for caregivers. Read Deputy Assistant Secretary Benson's remarks as prepared.
- August 1, 2024: Alison Barkoff spoke to the U.S. Conference of Mayors about the shortage of affordable, accessible housing and how that impacts community living opportunities for people with disabilities and older adults. Read her prepared remarks and view her slides with links to resources and relevant notes.
- March 29, 2023: Alison Barkoff, spoke at the Organization of American States as part of their commemoration of World Down Syndrome Day, which was 3/21/2023. Read her submitted statement and watch video of her remarks.
March 13, 2023: During the 52nd meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva, Switzerland, Alison Barkoff participated in a discussion on support systems to ensure community inclusion of persons with disabilities. Watch video of her opening remarks and closing remarks.
Testimony - 2019
- May 8, 2019: Testimony by Lance Robertson, Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging, Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Older Americans Act: Protecting and Supporting Seniors as They Age Before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate
Speeches - 2016
- August 29, 2016: Remarks by Acting Assistant Secretary for Aging and ACL Administrator Edwin Walker at the HCBS Conference
- July 26, 2016: Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Aging and ACL Administrator Kathy Greenlee at the n4a Answers on Aging Conference
Testimony - 2015
- FY 2016 Budget Testimony - February 26, 2015 (PDF, 3.5MB)
Testimony - 2013
- March 13, 2013: Remarks by Kathy Greenlee, Administrator, ACL and Assistant Secretary for Aging at 2013 American Society on Aging Conference (PDF, 318K)
Testimony - 2012
- September 20, 2012: Remarks by Administrator, Administration for Community Living, Kathy Greenlee at 2012 UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing (PDF, 371KB)
- June 21, 2012: Testimony of Principal Deputy Administrator, Henry Claypool Before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (PDF, 158KB)
- February 13, 2012: Transcript of Assistant Secretary for Aging Greenlee testified before the Senate Special Committee on Aging Hearing on Strengthening the Aging Network (PDF, 82KB)
Speeches - 2011
- April 12, 2011: Assistant Secretary Greenlee discusses the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Program and the OAA Programs at the 2011 Future of Aging Services Conference (Video): Part I | Part II | Part III
Testimony - 2011
- December 14, 2011: Transcript of Assistant Secretary for Aging Kathy Greenlee’s Testimony before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate (PDF)
- May 26, 2011: Testimony of Assistant Secretary for Aging Kathy Greenlee before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate (PDF, 74KB) | CSPAN’s archived video of Testimony of Assistant Secretary Kathy Greenlee before the Special Committee for Aging, United States Senate (Video)
- April 27, 2011: Testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Program Operations, Edwin Walker on the Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (PDF, 44KB)
- March 2, 2011: Testimony of Commissioner, Sharon Lewis, Administration on Developmental Disabilities before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (PDF, 140KB)