New Data Stories on Older Americans Act Programs

May 13, 2019

Several new data stories about Older Americans Act programs are now available on the AGID (Aging Integrated Database) website. These graphics depict interesting data points from the programs.

Data Story:  National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants

Respondents of the National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants indicate that many individuals receiving case management, homemaker, and transportation services need help with three or more Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).

Data Story:  Older Americans Act (OAA) Nutrition Services Program

More than 2.4 million older Americans received home or congregate meals in 2016. A survey during the same year indicated that most people receiving these meals would recommend the service to their friends.

Data Story:  National Family Caregiver Support Program

More than 90% caregivers responding to the National Survey of OAA Participants assist their family members, friends, and neighbors with shopping, doctor’s visits, meal preparation, and financial management.

Data Story:  Older Americans Act Title VI Services - Nutrition

The OAA Title VI program provided almost 2.5 million congregate meals and more than 2.5 million home delivered meals in 2016. These meals help address the nutrition and social needs of Native American elders and caregivers.

Data Story: Older Americans Act Title VI Services - Social Connectedness

In 2016, Title VI fostered social connectedness among Native American elders by providing almost 2.5 million congregate meals, more than 440,00 visitation check-ins, more than 360,000 telephone check-ins, and more than 600,000 transportation rides.

Check out the ACL's AGID (Aging Integrated Database) website featuring new enhancements:

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Last modified on 08/12/2020

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