On Sunday, April 12, Dateline NBC presented an hour-long special on the experiences of two young adults with autism as they turned 21 and lost their eligibility for school-based services and supports. The program vividly illustrates the challenges adolescents with autism and other developmental disabilities often face during their transition to adulthood.
ACL’s experts have pulled together a list of resources to support youth, family caregivers, educators, policymakers and the many others who play a central role in a successful adolescent transition. While some of the organizations below are funded by ACL or other federal agencies, inclusion in this list is not necessarily an endorsement of website content.
Please share your favorite resources in the comments section.
- Association of University Centers on Disability: A Comprehensive Approach to Transition | A Collaborative Interagency, Interdisciplinary Approach to Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood
- Disability.gov: Guide to Student Transition Planning
- PACER Center: National Parent Center on Transition and Employment
- National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth
NCWD/Youth offers a range of technical assistance services to promote success for all youth, including youth with disabilities, entering the world of work. - Job Accommodations Network: Accommodation and Compliance Series: Employees with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Think College
Tools and resources aimed at developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability. - Autsitic Self-Advocacy Network: Navigating College
Resources written by autistic adults for autistic college students exploring the various aspects of the higher education experience. - Independent Living Research Utilization: Resources on Youth Transition
- Social Security Administration: Benefits for People With Disabilities
- Administration for Community Living: AIDD Partnerships in Employment Systems Change Grants
- The 2020 Federal Youth Transition Plan: A Federal Interagency Strategy (PDF)